Annotated List of Books
Against All Gods: What’s Right and Wrong about the New Atheism

By: Johnson, Phillip, Reynolds, John Mark N.
Publisher: IVP Books
Widely considered a founder of the contemporary intelligent design (ID) scientific movement, law professor and author Phillip Johnson’s 1991 book Darwin on Trial convinced many thinkers that neo-Darwinian evolution was based more on the philosophy of naturalism than on the scientific evidence. Now, Johnson has teamed up with John Mark Reynolds to write Against All Gods: What’s Right and Wrong about the New Atheism. More than just commentary…
The Right Questions

Truth, Meaning & Public Debate
By: Johnson, Phillip E.
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
The Right Questions is the product of an accomplished scholar who is reflecting upon culture and society in light of his other books which provided an extensive scientific critique of naturalistic theories of origins. In this book, Phillip Johnson, Program Advisor to Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, asks, “What are the right questions” in topics such as logic, the meaning of life, Genesis, and biological origins? It is…
The Wedge of Truth

Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism
By: Johnson, Phillip E.
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Many Darwinists gloat over having supposedly exposed the allegedly secretive “Wedge project.” What they never acknowledge (or realize) is that Phillip Johnson openly discussed the full meaning of the “Wedge” in this book years before the widespread internet circulation of the supposedly super secret “Wedge document,” which summarized many of the points in this book in order to clarify for our supporters the important cultural implications of…
Darwinism Defeated?

The Johnson-Lamoureux Debate on Biological Origins
By: Johnson, Phillip and Lamoureux, Denis
Edited By: Phillip Johnson and Denis Lamoureux
Publisher: Regent College Publishing
This volume contains a debate between design advocate Phillip E. Johnson and evolutionary biologist Denis Lamoureux, with commentary from other scholars in this debate. Though differing in opinion over evolution, all contributors are Christians who conduct the discussion in a civil manner.
Dr. Lamoureux asks challenging questions of Johnson, asserting that Johnson’s position is based upon “God-of-the-gaps” type arguments. Lamoureax also…
Objections Sustained

Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law & Culture
By: Johnson, Phillip E.
Publisher: InterVarsity Press,
Objections Sustained is a collection of essays by UC Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson, also the Program Advisor to Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. In the first half of the book, Johnson presents nine short chapters about Darwinists and Darwinism. Johnson first takes aim at the myth that science and religion occupy completely separate realms. This myth, formally approved for public consumption by the National…
Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds

By: Johnson, Phillip E.
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds is directed at a lay audience who is trying to understand how to open up serious dialogue over evolution. UC Berkeley law professor Phillip Johnson and program advisor for the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, explains that the core question in the creation/evolution debate is not about the age of the earth, but about whether life is the result of purely unguided processes or some…
Reason in the Balance

The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law & Education
By: Johnson, Phillip
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
In his earlier book, Darwin on Trial, UC Berkeley law professor and former U.S. Supreme Court clerk Phillip Johnson took on the scientific establishment. In Reason in the Balance, Johnson spars with those of his own kind, and exposes how the legal establishment has adopted naturalistic assumptions in its thinking to exclude any mention of a creative intelligence.
Johnson, who is also Program Advisor to Discovery Institute’s Center for Science…